I’m starting a new trend, kids! If the title didn’t give it away, read on for more details

For anyone who knows me well, you know I’m something of an information junkie. My friends have been known to, on occasion, take advantage of this. I like them anyway. Most of the time.

What they like to do is casually drop into a conversation something along the lines of ‘hey, I wonder where the hottest place on Earth is…’

And then they wait. Because they know that, no matter how hard I try, I can’t resist. Within a few minutes, I’ll have presented them with not only the answer, but a handful of other facts and tidbits related to it (albeit not always directly related; tangents are me).

I can’t say I blame them, really. If I knew a friend was a sure thing like that I’d probably take advantage now and then too. Unfortunately, I AM that friend.. luckily I end up with more random knowledge to add to my personal archives. If only I could somehow control what stays put and what I don’t need anymore I’d be golden. Alas, the lyrics to a scary number of 90s songs remain firmly implanted in my brain.

Tl;dr – I’m a pushover addicted to random trivia and facts, and I’m now going to share some of that useless knowledge here. Who needs #flashbackfriday – #funfactfridays are the best new thing! Plus, alliteration, so.. win!


  1. Catherine

    I feel like I’m famous haha “hmm I wonder what movie has he been in…?” 3 minutes later complete filmography, information about his romantic relationships and favorite ice cream lol I think Alexa was based off you… N does work there… Hmm

  2. Love these darling, and now I know where to go to get all my answers!!! Keep it up