A new year, a new challenge. Well, the same challenge, over again. But I’m going to mix it up a bit this year!

The first year I did a reading challenge, it was based on a set list of criteria. I could choose the books, but within certain limitations (a book written the year I was born, a book with more than 500 pages, a book with less that 150 pages, etc.).

I really enjoyed it, and it certainly got me out of the regency romance hole I’d fallen into, but it was, to be honest, a pain in the ass.

So, for the next couple years I gave myself free rein. While I would try to read a wide variety of books, making sure I got some classics in there, and limit the number of regency romances, as long as I hit my number I was good.

This year, I’m going to take a slightly different route. There are 52 weeks in the year (hence my 52 book challenge), and 26 letters in the alphabet.. So it seems like the perfect way to choose books! I’ll do 26 books beginning with each letter of the alphabet, and 26 written by each letter. But, you know, first or last name… don’t want the challenge to be too challenging.. 🙂


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