It’s November 2, 10 months into my 12 month challenge, and I’m currently 2 books behind schedule. Not too shabby, especially since I give myself leeway to read Regency romance novels around Christmas.. and they take my all of a couple hours. So it should be easy to get back on track before the year ends!

Unfortunately, I’m about 873% behind schedule when it comes to writing posts. I’d love to say it’s because I’ve been so busy I haven’t had a chance, or that I haven’t read anything worth writing about. But I can’t. In truth, I’ve spent a great deal of time watching the same 8 tv shows over and over, and an absurd amount of money on Regency romance novels  (which don’t take up too much time on their own, but the sheer volume I’ve gone through in the last several months has caused me to lose hundreds of hours).

Despite all that, I really have read some fantastic books since I last posted, and I’m determined to write about at least some of them. My book list is also up to date, and can be seen here.

Ok, 10 month check in complete. Here’s hoping I’ll be back on the writing wagon with something worth reading soon enough 🙂


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