Book choice: Sybil: The Classic True Story of a Woman Possessed by Sixteen Personalities, Flora Rheta Schreiber

Before reading

This is the next book being read in our book club. Abby chose this one, referring to it as ‘something she read in school that was very interesting’. Abby just completed some pretty intense police academy type training (I think. I’ve never seen the movie, nor am I particularly clear on what exactly her training entailed, but it seemed intense to me!), so we forgave her for choosing a book she’s already read 🙂

That forgiveness waned somewhat when we discovered how difficult it is to find a copy of the book, and how long the book is.. but the book has a really interesting premise to make up for it, plus we’re really impressed with Abby’s new cop status so we can’t argue with her.

While doing a bit of research on the book, I learned that, as the title implies, it’s about the psychoanalysis of a women with multiple personalities. The line between truth and fiction is blurred somewhat, and I made the mistake of reading some reviews that are really critical of the book for both it’s retelling and how the situation was manipulated by those involved. More will definitely come on that once I’ve read the book and done a little more investigating.. I had to stop so I wouldn’t completely ruin the read for myself!

I’m about 20% in now, and am getting really into it. I had some serious doubts during the first couple chapters, but once the book started flowing I was better able to follow the characters and timelines., more easily than expected, in fact. So far I’m finding it quite interesting, though a little terrifying, to consider having complete blanks in your memory (unrelated to mass quantities of alcohol..), but I’ve been warned that there is some seriously disturbing stuff coming up.

Fingers crossed I can finish this one before book club this weekend!